Call for papers for Volume 9 of the Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law (published by the Czech Society of International Law):100 Years since the End of the WWI and the Creation of Czechoslovakia

13.03.2018 07:15

The Czech Yearbook of Public & Private International Law invites contributions to its Special Issue reflecting upon the 100th anniversary of the end of the WWI and the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1918.

2018 is the year of several important anniversaries. We have selected the centennial, because the year 1918 brought about not only the creation of Czechoslovakia but also many changes in international law.

It is even sometimes claimed that this year marked the birth of modern international law. The Special Issue intends to reflect upon the international legal aspects of the events which occurred in 1918 and to consider the legacy that these events have, or have not, left in international law.

Authors both from the Czech Republic and from other countries are invited to submit their abstracts by 20 April 2018 and /full contributions by 1st June 2018. 

The recommended length of articles is 10 to 18 pages (Times New Roman font, line-spacing 1.5). The articles should contain a short abstract in English, for the Czech speaking authors, also a short abstract in Czech (max. 10 lines for each of them). The recommended style is OSCOLA. Authors are also encouraged to follow the style of the previous issues of the journal.

The first volume appeared in September 2010. Since 2014, the Czech Yearbook has been included in the Czech index of scholarly peer-reviewed journals (RVVI). In 2015, it has been accepted for in the SCOPUS database.

The Yearbook appears both in printed (paper) and on-line version.

According to models of other major foreign yearbooks, the CYIL access focuses on  articles and comments on Public International Law, without precluding the possibility to submit contributions dealing with Private International Law and European Law.

I addition to the articles related to the topic of the Special Issue, authors are also invited to submit contributions falling under one of the following rubrics of the CYIL:The CYIL took inspiration in similar foreign publications.

Therefore the CYIL has adopted the following structure:

  • I. Studies
  • II. Short articles, comments and discussion
  • III. Case-law
  • IV. Czech practice relating to international law
  • V. Review of books
  • VI. Bibliography (Survey of journals)

The information on these different rubrics are available on the website of the CYIL ( This structure is without prejudice to one or more thematic sections (Symposium), including articles on a subject selected by the Editors.

Any contribution that exceeds significantly the recommended length (without permission of Editors), or does not meet the minimum language and formal requirements may be return to the author for modification before re-submission. Authors are required to ensure that their contributions have the sufficient quality of English and/or were proofread. 
Authors whose contributions are accepted will have the right and obligation to carry on the authors´ proofs.

By submission of his/her contribution an author gives the consent to publication in printed and on-line version of the journal. The author is entitled to receive a printed copy of the Yearbook and an offprint of his/her article in the PDF form.  

The CYIL, vol. 9 will be published in October 2018.

Prof. Pavel Šturma
President of the CSIL




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