Czech Yearbook of International Law (2010) was issued

04.11.2010 10:33

The Czech Society of International Law (CSMP-CSIL), acting in cooperation with the Czech Branch of the International Law Association, presents a new periodical publication focused on International Law.

After 40 years from the end of the former Czechoslovak Journal of International Law and almost 20 years from the suspension of publication of Studies in International Law (both periodicals in Czech and Slovak languages), Czech and foreign specialized readers will finally have the new Czech Yearbook of International Law, this time published in English.

The new  Yearbook  is an ambitious project, as it aims at maintaining a high scholarly quality of the old Czech periodicals in new, different and quickly changing conditions of the market of International Law publications today.

We present our Yearbook as a publication focused on International Law,in a sense of Public International Law. Our ambition is to place the new Czech Yearbook among well established yearbooks published abroad. Therefore the structure and content of CYIL should follow this model. Having said this, I have to add that this primary focus does not prevent our Yearbook from accepting and publishing also some interesting articles on Private International Law and EU Law.

While the Czech Yearbook is to serve first of all for Czech and Slovak authors as a new and more efficient platform for presentation and exchange of views, it is and will be also open for foreign contributions. This Yearbook is a project of the Czech Society of International Law, providing thus a wide platform for members and non-members, scholars and practitioners, Czechs and foreign guests.

Already authors of the first volume as well as the Editorial and Scientific Boards show clearly that this project found support of the leading Czech institutions, such as Faculties of Law of the Charles University in Prague, the University Palacky in Olomouc, the West-Bohemian University in Pilsen, the Institute of Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the University of Economics in Prague, the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs and its Institute of International Relations, and a number of eminent Czech and foreign personalities.

Having in mind the fate of the old Czechoslovak Journal and Studies in International Law, I would like to express my sincere wishes of a better luck for the new Yearbook. Long live the CYIL!

Prof. Pavel Šturma
Editor-in-Chief of the CYIL 



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