Call for Papers for German Yearbook of International Law (GYIL)

12.03.2018 22:09

The German Yearbook  of International  Law  is Germany’s  oldest  yearbook  in  the  field  of  public international  law.  The  GYIL  is  published  annually  by  the  Walther  Schücking  Institute  for International  Law  at  the  University  of  Kiel  and  contains  contributions  on topics  addressing all aspects of public international law. We aim  to provide a platform  for  scholars of international law – both inside and outside Germany –to publish new research advancing public international legal discourse as well as analysis of current issues.

The Yearbook features a ‘Forum’ section for which  prominent  scholars  are  invited  to  enter  into  discussion  on  newly  developing  topics in international law and a ‘Focus’ section  for which a group of experts are invited to write articles examining  in‐depth  various  aspects  of  a  topic  chosen  in  advance  by  the editors.  The GYIL  also publishes English‐language summaries of exceptional German doctoral and post-doctoral theses in the fields of public international law and European law.

The  General  Articles  section  of  the  GYIL  is  open  to  submissions  from  the  entire  academic community  and  is  independently  peer‐reviewed  by  a  board  of  renowned  experts.  All  work submitted will be  scrutinised based on its intellectual quality and its advancement of academic discourse.  The  Editors  welcome  submissions  for  volume  61  (2018)  of  the  GYIL,  inviting interested  parties  to  submit  contributions  for  consideration  for  inclusion  in  the  forthcoming edition.

The  paper  should  be  10,000 ‐ 12,500 words  inclusive  of  footnotes  and  conform  with  the  house style  of  the  GYIL  (which  is  available  on  our  website). 

Submissions,  including  a  brief  abstract, statement  of  affiliation,  and  confirmation  of  exclusive  submission,  should  be  sent  by 1 September 2018 to the Assistant Editors of the GYIL via e‐mail: yearbook@wsi.uni‐

More information can be found at our website:  or via the website of the Walther Schücking Institute for International Law: https://www.wsi.uni‐



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