Professor Šturma elected Chair of the International Law Commission

30.04.2019 20:55

On 29 April 2019, Professor Pavel Šturma was elected Chair of the International Law Commission at the beginning of its 71st session. This is a great success and recognition of prof. Šturma’s work. The election shows high respect commanded by prof. Šturma among international law experts. It is also a great success of the Czech Republic and its science of international law.

Professor Šturma teaches at the Faculty of Law of Charles University in Prague, where he is also head of the International Law Department. He was elected member of ILC for period 2017-2021. Before that he was already member for period 2012-2016.

The International Law Commission was established in 1947 to encourage the progressive development of international law and its codification. It is composed of 34 experts elected by UN General Assembly. The ILC holds annual sessions in Geneva where its members discuss various topics from international law and thus encourage its development. In past, the ILC prepared many universal treaties, e. g. in the field of diplomatic law or the law of treaties.

Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic



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